AStar Sample WPF Application by Ben Scharbach

The A* Pathfinding component contains an A* Manager, with three A* path finding engines, allowing for 3 simultaneous path searches on PC and XBOX. - By Ben

Exo² Game Engine (14,4 MB)
Exo² is a game engine under GPL, written in C++ and using Win32, DirectX 9, and OpenAL.

Goblin XNA (276,0 MB)
Goblin XNA is a platform for research on 3D user interfaces, including mobile augmented reality and virtual reality, with an emphasis on games. It is written in C# and based on Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.1 (up to Goblin XNA v3.6) and 4.0 (after Goblin XNA v4.0).

QuickStart Game Engine

3D Game Engine, XNA 4.0. Includes rendering, physics, input, cameras, terrain system, user interface, particle emitters, and more!